
29 products

  • Allergy Research Group GastroCleanse 100 caps Allergy Research Group GastroCleanse 100 caps

    Description GastroCleanse contains psyllium husks (a dietary fiber), activated charcoal, goldenseal root, chlorophyll, and apple pectin. The formula also contains supportive nutrients vitamin C, magnesium, and Lactobacillus acidophilus.   Suggested Use: 6 caps 2 times a day with 12 oz. water, or 4 caps 3 times a day with 8 oz. water   Amount Per Serving Psyllium husk850 mg Charcoal290 mg Vitamin C75 mg Chlorophyll25 mg Apple pectin25 mg Lactobacillus Acidophilus50 mg Magnesium citrate38 mg Goldenseal50 mg   Warnings It is very important to consume adequate amounts of water with this product. If transit time is not decreased in 12 to 24 hours, discontinue use. Directions for intake of GastroCleanse should be followed closely, since dietary fiber intake in excessive amounts may cut down on the availability of certain nutrients. Those with particularly sensitive intestines may want to precede this product with a month's intake of GastroCort.  


Minerals Products

Vitamins and minerals are considered micronutrients, and they are formulated to serve specific purposes in your body. Dietary minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. Vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements fulfill important needs of our body including immune system support, bone growth and support for healthy eyes and good vision. Having the right balance of vitamins and minerals helps promote overall good health and well-being. A lack of any of the 21 essential vitamins and minerals can cause a deficiency that could compromise your health.

Many of us have a tendency to have essential mineral deficiencies which may result in a number of health related problems. These health issues can be reduced by supplementing your diet with essential nutrients. Certain groups of people need specific vitamin and mineral supplementation. For example, women who are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant should take iron and calcium supplements. Vegans and vegetarians may need extra supplementation to get a full array of vitamins, minerals and essential oils. People who eat a less than optimum diet should also take high quality dietary supplements on a daily basis. You can always count on Vita Living to provide the very best in dietary and mineral supplements.


It is advisable for adults and children to eat a healthy, whole foods diet, drink plenty of pure, filtered water and make wise use of high quality vitamins and mineral supplements. Children and adults should take at least one good, high quality, balanced multi-vitamin and mineral combination daily. By eating a balanced, healthy, varied diet and taking a daily multi-vitamin, you can decrease chances of deficiencies. In some instances, you may need to add further supplementation. One vitamin that most health professionals agree should be taken fairly generously is vitamin D because it has been found to have tremendous benefits for the immune system and bone health. Consult your health care professional to determine exactly what sort of supplementation is right for you, then turn to Vita Living for high quality supplements you can trust.

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