Pet Care

62 products

  • Cold One Equine Fetlock Pair - Quarter Horse Cold One Equine Fetlock Pair - Quarter Horse

    Sold in pairs, the leg wraps provide cold compression coverage to over-strained or injured fetlock joints on Standard Quarter Horses. Size: One size fits most.

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  • Cold One Equine 3-in-1 Universal Pair Quarter Horse Cold One Equine 3-in-1 Universal Pair Quarter Horse

    Overview\n3-in-1 QH Equine Ice Wrap for the Hoof, Knee, and Hock (Pair)  DescriptionHorse owners and trainers have long known the value of cold therapy. Cold therapy is especially helpful in reducing inflammation and controlling pain. In response to injury, tissues release a variety of chemicals and vasoactive substances (cytokins, prostaglandins, leukotines) that produce a cascade effect of reactions, ultimately resulting in localized swelling, heat and pain. Applying cold therapy to a tissue injury, limits the inflammatory response by causing the blood vessels to constrict (vasoconstriction). This limits the blood flow to the injured site, moderating the release of the vasoactive substances and thus minimizes the pain and swelling in the afflicted area. Cold Therapy to Relieve Pain: Applying cold therapy after an acute injury helps to ease pain. Cold slows the conduction rate of sensory receptors; therefore fewer numbers of pain messages are received and processed by the brain. Cold Therapy to Control Swelling: After a tissue injury, there is an immediate chemical reaction at the cellular level. This reaction releases prostaglandins and histamines in the injured area. Damaged capillaries “leak” cellular waste (water, dissolved electrolytes and proteins) into the surrounding tissue. The body sends leukocytes or scavenger cells into the area to remove damaged tissue or to kill bacteria that may be present. Once this process starts, significant amounts of fluid build in intercellular spaces causing “edema,” or swelling. Coldone fetlock wraps combine stretchable neoprene and a cold inner layer to drive cold deep and prevent swelling. All Coldone components are made of the highest quality products and crafted with superior workmanship. They are quite simply made to last.

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Pet Care Products

At Vita Living, we know how much you care about your pet. Whether you are looking for comfortable bed or pet supplements, we have a whole range of pet care products and supplements that can help your pet lead a healthy life for years to come. Magnetic pet pads, hot & cold wraps, and pet clothing are available for the well-being and happiness of your pet. High quality pet vitamins and healthful pet supplements and pet food as well as pet toys, grooming aids, beds and pet pads can help enrich the life of your pet and ensure that you will spend many happy and healthy years together. Your pets will surely flourish just as we do when provided with proper diet, care, grooming, exercise, and health enhancements. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian before using any pet supplements.


If you have a rescue pet, you may find yourself dealing with a number of health challenges. You will be happy to know that many conditions suffered by neglected pets can be remedied with high quality natural pet food, safety, security and tender loving care. Conditions caused by malnourishment include skin and digestive problems. Often these can be resolved through the use of natural pet supplements such as garlic and brewer's yeast, omega 3 fatty acids, natural oil supplementation, pet vitamins and good grooming. Read up on the type of pet you have and heed any special breed-specific instructions you encounter. This sort of focused and specialized care can make a big difference in the overall health of your pet. By making good use of the excellent products available from Vita Living, you can be sure of providing your pet the healthiest and happiest possible life.

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  • Nutrients to strengthen and Promote Heart Health

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    Maca has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. This Peruvian vegetable offers a number of health benefits, including improved libido, decreased menopausal symptoms, and much...

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