Thyroid Support
Liquid Extract Compound Dietary Considerations Organic  Ingredients: Dry Schisandra Dry Commifora mukur Fresh Urtica spp (nettles) Dry Glycyrrhiza (licorice) in a 58-63% alcohol base  Suggested use: Shake well, take 30-60 drops three times a day. Consult a health care practitioner for proper use. Not for people who are hyperthyroid or have Graves disease.
Thyroid Support Products
There are many different conditions that can affect the thyroid gland. Often people experiencing fatigue, listlessness, chills, hair loss, loss of memory, swelling in the legs, poor condition of hair and nails and metabolic difficulties wonder if they are suffering from an over or under active thyroid, elevated thyroid or Hashimotos thyroiditis. The good news is that this sort of serious thyroid trouble is usually not the problem. Nutritional deficiencies often cause thyroid malfunction, and luckily, adding high quality thyroid support supplements from Vita Living can help insure healthy thyroid functioning. It is very important to keep your thyroid functioning properly because a malfunctioning thyroid can cause or exacerbate other health problems. Your thyroid gland is responsible for helping you maintain a proper energy level, and it simply cannot do it without proper nourishment.
In addition to supplements, you can support excellent thyroid function by eating properly. Foods that are most helpful for good thyroid function include dairy products, ocean fish and shellfish and sea vegetables such as kelp. Foods to avoid eating raw include pears and peaches, cruciferous vegetables and green leafy vegetables; although, these can be eaten cooked. Getting at least half an hour of light to moderate exercise daily will also stimulate proper thyroid function. When your thyroid receives good support, it can maintain proper metabolism function to help you perform and feel your best.
At Vita Living, we offer a wide array of thyroid function support supplements in liquid, capsule and tablet forms. These high quality supplements are generally safe to take even if you are taking a thyroid medication; however, you should consult with your health care professional to be certain of making the right choice and receiving the correct amount of thyroid support supplements. Remember to also review all of your medications with your doctor as some types of medications can interfere with your body's processing of nutrients such as iodine that support proper thyroid function.
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