Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items)
$722.50 $850.00his panel tests for 250 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.
This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.
Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process
1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from
2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.
3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw done
For important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab
4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.
Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results.
Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items) Panel includes testing for the following –
Acid Blue | Benzoic Acid | Acid Red |
Turnip | Tilapia | Anchovy |
Ammonium Chloride | BHT | Annatto |
Amaranth | Bay Leaf | Apricot |
Alternaria alternate | Cladosporium herbarum | Aspergillus fumigatus |
Sodium Sulfite | Yellow Sunset Yellow | BHA |
Trichoderma | Chicken Liver | Blackberry |
Acorn Squash | Cardamom | Brazil Nut |
Aspartame | Blue Indigo Carmine | Brillant Black |
Basil | Garlic | Buckwheat |
Botrytis cinerea | Epicoccum nigrum | Candida albicans |
Almond | White Potato | Casein |
Caraway | Black-Eyed Pea | Cayenne Pepper |
Nectarine | Strawberry | Cherry |
Oyster | Haddock | Chickpea |
Bok Choy | Chamomile | Cilantro |
Chlorine | Green Fast Green | Citric Acid |
Millet | Goat's Milk | Corn |
Clove | Dill | Cumin |
Artichoke | Black Beans | Date |
Hazelnut | Flaxseed | Duck |
Buffalo | Chili Pepper | Endive |
Deltamethrin | Nickel Sulfate | Erythritol |
Coriander | Jalapeño Pepper | Fennel |
Cephalosporium | Geotrichum candidum | Helminthosporium |
Fig | Kidney Bean | Leaf Lettuce |
Kiwi | Honeydew Melon | Lentil Bean |
Fava Bean | Kelp | Licorice |
Apple | Baker's Yeast | Lobster |
Leek | Maple Sugar | Mackerel |
Malt | Nutmeg | Mango |
Hormodendrum | Pullularia | Monilia sitophila |
Asparagus | Iceberg Lettuce | Mushroom |
Avocado | Candida albicans | Oat |
Barley | Beef | Onion |
Bell Pepper Mix | Blueberry | Oregano |
Lima Bean | Navy Bean | Papaya |
Black Pepper | Broccoli | Parsley |
Macadamia Nut | Mussel | Parsnip |
Brussel Sprouts | Carob | Pear |
Cabbage | Cane Sugar | Pecan |
Mucor racemosus | Rhodotorula rubra | Penicillium notatum |
Fluoride | Catfish | Peppermint |
Shrimp | Flounder | Pineapple |
Cantaloupe | Carrot | Pinto Bean |
Cashew | Celery | Plum |
Mahi Mahi | Okra | Pomegranate |
Cauliflower | Chicken | Pork |
Safflower | Mung Bean | Psyllium |
Pistachio | Paprika | Pumpkin |
Pine Nut | Rosemary | Quinoa |
Orris Root | Fusarium oxysporum | Radish |
Polysorbate 80 | Sorbic Acid | Red |
Raspberry | Sage | Red Beet/ Beet Sugar |
Cinnamon | Cocoa | Rice |
Clam | Coconut | Rye |
Red Allura Red | Xylitol | Saccharine |
Saffron | Turkey | Salmon |
Thyme | Sunflower | Sardine/ Herring |
Codfish | Coffee | Scallop |
Cow's Milk | Egg White | Sesame |
Olive | Butternut Squash | Snapper |
Cranberry | Cucumber | Sole |
Blue Brilliant Blue | Tapioca | Sorghum |
Egg Yolk | Fructose | Soybean |
Brewer's Yeast | Peach | Spinach |
Portobello Mushroom | Scallions | Squid |
Eggplant | Ginger | String Bean |
Gliadin | Gluten | Sweet Potato |
Spelt | Turmeric | Swordfish |
Grape | Green Pea | Tea |
Swiss Chard | Watercress | Teff |
Romaine Lettuce | Crab | Tomato |
Sucralose (Splenda) | Phoma destructive | Trout |
Grapefruit | Halibut | Tuna |
Honey | Hops | Vanilla |
Sea Bass | Walnut | Veal |
MSG | Curvularia | Venison |
Lamb | Orange | Watermelon |
Lemon | Mustard Seed | Wheat |
YellowTartrazine | Rhizopus stolonifer | Wild Rice |
Lime | Banana | Yellow Squash |
Whey | Spondylocladium | Zucchini |
Peanut | Kale |
Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items)
Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items)
UPC # 756815000246