
Saliva Hormone Test

5 products

  • ZRT Laboratory Adrenal Stress Profile - Saliva DS, Cx4 ZRT Laboratory Adrenal Stress Profile - Saliva DS, Cx4

    The profile tests the adrenal hormones DHEA-S and diurnal cortisol. When individuals experience continuous stress, not only from emotional stressors (e.g., marital, financial, and occupational) but also from physical stressors (e.g., sleep deprivation, caffeine consumption, pain, extreme exercise), it can lead to changes in adrenal hormone levels, related to disorders ranging from anxiety to infertility.


  • ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile III ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile III

    Female/Male Saliva Profile I with 3 additional collections to provide you a complete evaluation of diurnal adrenal function. The kit has eight (8) tests including - Female/Male Saliva Profile I (E2, Pg, T, DS, and C1) + noon, evening, and night Cortisol.


  • ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile I (Saliva) ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile I (Saliva)

    Good basic assessment of sex steroid and adrenal hormones collected in the morning when levels should be at their peak. Five (5) Tests: Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA-S, and morning Cortisol (C1).


  • ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile II (Saliva) ZRT Laboratory Female/Male Saliva Profile II (Saliva)

    Female/Male Saliva Profile I + PM Cortisol to provide a more comprehensive evaluation of adrenal function. Six (6) tests: Female/Male Saliva Profile I (E2, Pg, T, DS, and C1) + PM Cortisol.


  • Saliva Steroid LCMS Profile 7 Saliva Steroid LCMS Profile 7

    This new profile will test 7 hormones via LC-MS that is available for both females and males, including estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), progesterone (Pg), testosterone (T), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), and cortisol (C)


Saliva Hormone Test Products

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone because it is produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. Cortisol is responsible for the "fight or flight" syndrome, which is very helpful in truly life threatening situations but detrimental to day to day challenging activities. An excess of this hormone in the system causes many stress related ailments and can exacerbate any health problem you may already have. Saliva Hormone Testing can help you measure the amount of cortisol in your system and help you keep track of the rise and fall of cortisol in your body throughout a given day. This can help you get a handle on your stress levels so that you can take steps to get stress and cortisol under control. Salivary Hormone Testing is actually a good way to keep track of all steroid hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. Making good use of professional hormone testing kits from Vita Living is a great way to stay on top of your health and prevent stress related problems.

Adrenal hormone testing with a saliva hormone testing kit is very easy. You just have to collect your saliva samples four times a day in the provided test tubes on the day of testing. Best times to perform the test are around 8 o'clock in the morning, noontime, 4 o'clock in the evening and around midnight. The test tubes are easy to take with you and fit discreetly in your purse or pocket so that you can keep up with testing throughout the day.

Once you have collected all four samples, you simply mail them to the lab in the enclosed, pre-paid envelope. Results of the test will be sent to you within a couple of weeks. Once you have the results of your adrenal hormone testing, you will be well prepared to discuss lifestyle changes and stress reduction treatments with your doctor or health care professional. Saliva hormone testing helps to profile your hormone baseline level before the any supplementation program is started.

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