Wise Woman Herbals
Suggested Use Shake Well. Add 5-15 drops to water, 1-3 times per day.  Serving Size: 15 Drop  Servings Per Container: 80  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend0.8 ml Vervain (herb)  Other Ingredients: spring water, organic alcohol  Warnings Not recommended during pregnancy. Do not exceed suggested use. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed.
Description Promotes normal healthy sinus passages and upper respiratory tract function*  Suggested Use Shake well. Add 30-60 drops to water, 2-4 times per day. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal  Serving Size: 1 Dropper  Servings Per Container: 74  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend yarrow (flowering aerial) elecampane (root) horseradish (root) Oregon grape (root) stinging nettle thyme (budding aerial) wild bergamot (flowering aerial  Other ingredients: Organic alcohol, spring water, and vegetable glycerine.  Warnings Caution: Consult a healthcare practitioner for proper use.
Description Promotes restful sleep and normal healthy sleep cycles* Alcohol-free glycerin extraction Promotes restful sleep* Supports healthy sleep cycles Supports a normal circadian rhythm* Helps you to fall asleep and stay asleep*  Suggested Use Shake well. Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 40  Amount Per Serving Proprietary blend:3 ml Catnip (herb) chamomile (flower) kava (root) passionflower (budding vine) valerian (root)  Other Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, spring water, potassium sorbate solution, lemon essential oil, lavender essential oil, sweet orange essential oil  Warnings Contains no alcohol. Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed. ÂÂ
Dietary Considerations Organic  Ingredients: Curcuma longa organic root, 1:0.85 ÂÂ
Description Promotes normal healthy cell replication and supports a healthy immune response. Promotes normal healthy energy, focus, and vitality.*  Suggested Use Shake well. Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-3 times per day. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 40  Amount Per Serving Proprietary blend:3 ml Astragalus (root) Reishi (fruiting body/ antlers) Codonopsis (root) Maitake (fruiting body) Eleuthero (root) Licorice (root) Schisandra (berry) Mugwort (leaf)  Other Ingredients: Spring water, Organic alcohol  Warnings Caution: Not recommended for use during pregnancy. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed.
Suggested Use Shake well. Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 20  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend:3 ml Chuan Xin Lian (aerial)  Other Ingredients: spring water, organic alcohol  Warnings Avoid use for longer than 1 month.
Description Promotes ease and comfort during the menstrual cycle. Supports mood balance before and during the menses.  Suggested Use Shale well. Add 30-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day as needed. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 40  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend:3 ml Black cohosh (root and rhizome) Chaste tree (berry) Skullcap (budding aerial) Kava (root) Wild yam (root) Ginkgo (leaf)  Other Ingredients: Organic alcohol, spring water, vegetable glycerin  Warnings Not for use during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children.
Dietary Considerations Organic  Suggested Use Shake well. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal. Add 10-50 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Ingredients: Organic fresh and dryroot of Zingiber officinalis. Now made with Organic alcohol!! Grain alcohol: 55-60% Herb strength: 1:1.3 (fresh-dry) ÂÂ
Suggested Use Shake well. Add 60 drops to water, 1-2 times per day. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 20  Amount Per Serving Kavalactones (from piper methysticum)15 mg  Other Ingredients: Vegetable glycerin, spring water, potassium sorbate solution, lemon essential oil  Warnings Contains no alcohol. Caution: Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed.
Suggested Use Shake well. Add 5 - 60 drops to water, 1 - 5 times per day.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 20  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend3 ml gymnema (leaf)  Other Ingredients: spring water, organic alcohol  Warnings Not indicated in hypoglycemia. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed.
Suggested Use Shake well. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal. Add 20-60 drops to water, 2-4 times per day.  Serving Size: 60 Drop  Servings Per Container: 20  Amount Per Serving Proprietary blend3 ml Angelica (root)  Other Ingredients: organic alcohol, spring water  Warnings May cause problems if used in conjunction with blood thinners. Not recommended during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight with the lid tightly sealed.
Mood Enhancer 2oz is available by Wise Woman Herbals. Mood Enhancer WISE WOMAN HERBALS  Dietary Supplement 2 Fluid Oz.  Servings Per Container: 74  Suggested use: Add 30-60 drops to water, 3 times per day. SHAKE WELL. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Serving size: 1 dropper (app. 30 drops)  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend: ...0.8ml* Ingredients: St. Johns Wort (flowering tip), Asian ginseng (root), ginkgo (leaf), gotu kola (whole plant), lemon balm (budding aerial), oat (milky seed pod) and lavender essential oil. * Daily value not established.  Other ingredients: organic alcohol, spring water and vegetable glycerine. Plant material in this product is either organic, cultivated, wildcrafted or of best quality available. Organic alcohol: 47-52%  Caution: Consult a healthcare practitioner for proper use.
Calendula Officinalis (Calendula) Botanical Oil (FEU) Shake well. Apply to external skin as needed.  Do not use internally. Organic olive oil, calendula and vitamin E oil (soy based). The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal. Plant material in this product is either organic, cultivated, wildcrafted or of best quality available.  * FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Ceanothus americanus (red root) Liquid Extract  Add 20-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day  Wildcrafted root, 1:1.9 fresh In a base of organic alcohol, spring water and vegetable glycerin.  *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is not intended to offer medical advice or to act in any way as a substitute for consultation and advice from a healthcare professional.
Polygonum multiflorum/fo ti from Wise Woman Herbals.  Add 10-50 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Best quality root of Polygonum multiflorum in a base of organic alcohol and spring wate.  Shake well. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Consult a healthcare practitioner for proper use.
Promotes normal fluid elimination.  Take 40-60 drops, 3-4 times a day.  Taraxacum officinale (dandelion leaf), Zea mays (cornsilk), Petroselinum crispum (parsley), and Stellaria media (chickweed).  The presence of edema may indicate heart or kidney disease. All unexplained and untreated edema should be brought to the attention of a healthcare practitioner immediately. This formula is contraindicated in pregnancy.
Zea mays (cornsilk) Liquid Extract  Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day  Organic silk, 1:1.3 fresh, in a base of organic alcohol and spring water.  This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is not intended to offer medical advice or to act in any way as a substitute for consultation and advice from a healthcare professional.
VACCINIUM SPP. (BLUEBERRY, BILBERRY) LIQUID EXTRACT  Servings Per Container: 74 Shake well. Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Serving Size: 1 dropper (app. 30 drops)  Amount Per Serving Proprietary Blend ... 0.8ml blueberry / bilberry (Leaf, flower and berry concentrate)  Other Ingredients: spring water, organic alcohol and vegetable glycerine.  Caution: This product contains honey, and should not be consumed by children under 1 y.o. or by immunocompromised individuals. Plant material in this product is either organic, cultivated, wildcrafted or of best quality available. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information contained herein is not intended to offer medical advice or to act in any way as a substitute for consultation and advice from a healthcare professional.
Rumex crispus (yellow dock) Liquid Extract  Add 10-50 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Wildcrafted root, 1:3.8 dry, in a base of spring water, organic alcohol and vegetable glycerine.
Piscidia piscipula/Jamaica dogwood 2oz is available by Wise Woman Herbals. WISE WOMAN HERBALS Liquid Extract 2 Fluid Oz.  Supplemental Facts: The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Suggested use: Add 5-10 drops to water, 1-3 times per day. SHAKE WELL. Wildcrafted dry bark of Piscidia piscipula in a base of organic alcohol, spring water, and 5% glycerine. Herb strength: 1:3.91 dry Pure grain alcohol: 72-78%  Contents are potentially toxic and should be taken only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Contraindicated in pregnancy. Piscidia should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner qualified and licensed in the appropriate use of this herb. Keep this product out of the reach of children.
Phytolacca americana/Poke 2 oz is available by Wise Woman Herbals. WISE WOMAN HERBALS Liquid Extract 2 Fluid Oz.  Supplemental Facts: The presence of articulate matter in this product is normal.  Suggested use: Shake well. Add 1-10 drops to water, 1-3 times per day. Wildcrafted fresh root of Phytolacca americana in a base of spring water and organic alcohol. Herb strength: 1:1.52 fresh Pure grain alcohol: 42-47% Contents are potentially toxic and should be taken only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner.  Contraindicated in pregnancy. Large doses cause vomiting and diarrhea. Phytolacca should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner qualified and licensed in the appropriate use of this herb. Keep out of the reach of children. Not for general retail sale.
Lobelia inflata 16oz is available by Wise Woman Herbals. WISE WOMAN HERBALS Liquid Extract 16 Fluid Oz.  Suggested use: Shake well. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal. Add 1-10 drops to water, 1-6 times per day. Organic fresh herb in seed pod stage of Lobelia inflata in a base of spring water and organic alcohol. Herb strength: 1:1.99 fresh Pure grain alcohol: 42-47%  Contents are potentially toxic and should be taken only under the guidance of a qualified healthcare practitioner. Contraindicated in pregnancy. May cause nausea and vomiting and dose dependent cardioactivity. Lobelia should only be used under the supervision of a health care practitioner qualified and licensed in the appropriate use of this herb. Keep this product out of the reach of children.
Leonurus Motherwort from Wise Woman Herbals.  Add 20-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Organic fresh and dry flowering aerial herb of Leonurus cardiaca in a base of spring water and organic alcohol.  Contraindicated in pregnancy.
Inula helenium/Elecampane liquid extract  Servings Per Container: 74 Shake Well. Add 20-60 drops to water, 1-3 times per day . Do not exceed suggested use.  Serving Size: 1 Dropper  Amount Per Serving Organic root, 1:0.8 fresh in a base of organic alcohol and spring water.  Other Ingredients: Spring water and organic alcohol. If pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before taking this product. *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Hypericum perforatum/St.Johns Wort from Wise Woman Herbals.  Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Wildcrafted fresh flowering tips of Hypericum perforatum in a base of organic alcohol and spring water.  Shake well. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal.  Due to possible interactions with prescription drugs, this herb should only be used under the guidance of a trained healthcare practitioner. Avoid excess exposure to UV light when using this product.
Galium aparine/Cleavers 16oz is available by Wise Woman Herbals.
Astragalus membranaceous from Wise Woman Herbals.  Add 20-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Best quality Chinese dry root of Astragalus membranaceous in a base of organic alcohol and spring water.  Consult a healthcare practitioner for proper use.
Arctostaphylos Uva ursi from Wise Woman Herbals  Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day.  Organic dry flowering tips and berries of Arctostaphylos uva ursi. Contains glycerin. Now made with Organic alcohol.  Arctostaphylos is contraindicated in pregnancy
Wise Woman Herbals Products
Wise Woman Herbals offers high-quality whole herb supplements made according to traditional time-intensive techniques. By preserving all of the plant constituents it offers excellent herbal products as intended by nature. It is one of the most reputable names in botanical supplements and other herbal products since 1989 and is the natural choice of respected naturopathic physicians and herbalists nationwide. Recognized for making unadulterated herbal products just as nature intended, Wise Woman Herbals has become a name that you can trust.
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