
Comprehensive Panel Tests

8 products

  • Alcat Pediatric Wellness (81 Items) Alcat Pediatric Wellness (81 Items)

    This panel tests for 81 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results.Pediatric Wellness (81 Items) includes testing for the following – Apple Banana Baker's Yeast Barley Butternut Squash Beef Black Pepper Casein Broccoli Cabbage Corn Cane Sugar Cantaloupe Garlic Carrot Cinnamon Iceberg Lettuce Cocoa Cow's Milk Onion Egg White Egg Yolk Wheat Fructose Gliadin Rice Gluten Grape Ammonium Chloride Green Pea Lamb BHT Lemon Mustard Seed Citric Acid Oat Orange Red Allura Red Peanut Pear Xylitol Pork Shrimp Sweet Potato Soybean Strawberry MSG String Bean Tomato Acid Red Tuna Turkey Aspartame Vanilla White Potato BHA Yellow Squash Acid Blue Blue Indigo Carmine Green Fast Green Annatto Chlorine Orris Root Benzoic Acid Erythritol Red Carmine Blue Brilliant Blue Fluoride Sodium Sulfite Brillant Black Nickel Sulfate Sucralose (Splenda) Deltamethrin Polysorbate 80 Yellow Sunset Yellow Yellow Tartrazine Saccharine Sorbic Acid Candida albicans


  • Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 2 (230 Items) Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 2 (230 Items)

    This panel tests for 230 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results. Comprehensive Wellness 2 (230 Items) Panel includes testing for the following – Acid Blue Benzoic Acid Acid Red Turnip Tilapia Anchovy Ammonium Chloride BHT Annatto Amaranth Bay Leaf Apricot Sodium Sulfite Yellow Sunset Yellow BHA Acorn Squash Chicken Liver Blackberry Aspartame Cardamom Brazil Nut Basil Blue Indigo Carmine Brillant Black Almond Garlic Buckwheat Caraway White Potato Casein Nectarine Black-Eyed Pea Cayenne Pepper Oyster Strawberry Cherry Bok Choy Haddock Chickpea Chlorine Chamomile Cilantro Millet Green Fast Green Citric Acid Clove Goat's Milk Corn Artichoke Dill Cumin Hazelnut Black Beans Date Buffalo Flaxseed Duck Deltamethrin Chili Pepper Endive Coriander Nickel Sulfate Erythritol Fig Jalapeño Pepper Fennel Kiwi Kidney Bean Leaf Lettuce Fava Bean Honeydew Melon Lentil Bean Apple Kelp Licorice Leek Baker's Yeast Lobster Malt Maple Sugar Mackerel Asparagus Nutmeg Mango Avocado Iceberg Lettuce Mushroom Barley Candida albicans Oat Bell Pepper Mix Beef Onion Lima Bean Blueberry Oregano Black Pepper Navy Bean Papaya Macadamia Nut Broccoli Parsley Brussel Sprouts Mussel Parsnip Cabbage Carob Pear Fluoride Cane Sugar Pecan Shrimp Catfish Peppermint Cantaloupe Flounder Pineapple Cashew Carrot Pinto Bean Mahi Mahi Celery Plum Cauliflower Okra Pomegranate Safflower Chicken Pork Pistachio Mung Bean Psyllium Pine Nut Paprika Pumpkin Orris Root Rosemary Quinoa Polysorbate 80 Sorbic Acid Radish Raspberry Sage Red Cinnamon Cocoa Red Beet/ Beet Sugar Clam Coconut Rice Red Allura Red Xylitol Rye Saffron Turkey Saccharine Thyme Sunflower Salmon Codfish Coffee Sardine/ Herring Cow's Milk Egg White Scallop Olive Butternut Squash Sesame Cranberry Cucumber Snapper Blue Brilliant Blue Tapioca Sole Egg Yolk Fructose Sorghum Brewer's Yeast Peach Soybean Portobello Mushroom Scallions Spinach Eggplant Ginger Squid Gliadin Gluten String Bean Spelt Turmeric Sweet Potato Grape Green Pea Swordfish Swiss Chard Watercress Tea Romaine Lettuce Crab Teff Sucralose (Splenda) Halibut Tomato Grapefruit Hops Trout Honey Walnut Tuna Sea Bass Orange Vanilla MSG Mustard Seed Veal Lamb Banana Venison Lemon Kale Watermelon YellowTartrazine Peanut Wheat Zucchini Lime Wild Rice Whey Yellow Squash


  • Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 3 (200 Items) Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 3 (200 Items)

    This panel tests for 200 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab 4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results. Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results.


  • Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items) Alcat Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items)

    his panel tests for 250 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods.This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test.Ordering the Food Panel ALCAT test kit is a simple 4 step process1. Purchase the ALCAT test kit from VitaLiving.com2. Your ALCAT test kit will be mailed to you.3. Once the kit arrives you can get a blood draw doneFor important instructions on Proper Collection and shipping of Blood Sample click on the Additional Information tab4. We will mail you your ALCAT test results.Includes FREE consultation with a nutritionist to review test results. Comprehensive Wellness 1 (250 Items) Panel includes testing for the following – Acid Blue Benzoic Acid Acid Red Turnip Tilapia Anchovy Ammonium Chloride BHT Annatto Amaranth Bay Leaf Apricot Alternaria alternate Cladosporium herbarum Aspergillus fumigatus Sodium Sulfite Yellow Sunset Yellow BHA Trichoderma Chicken Liver Blackberry Acorn Squash Cardamom Brazil Nut Aspartame Blue Indigo Carmine Brillant Black Basil Garlic Buckwheat Botrytis cinerea Epicoccum nigrum Candida albicans Almond White Potato Casein Caraway Black-Eyed Pea Cayenne Pepper Nectarine Strawberry Cherry Oyster Haddock Chickpea Bok Choy Chamomile Cilantro Chlorine Green Fast Green Citric Acid Millet Goat's Milk Corn Clove Dill Cumin Artichoke Black Beans Date Hazelnut Flaxseed Duck Buffalo Chili Pepper Endive Deltamethrin Nickel Sulfate Erythritol Coriander Jalapeño Pepper Fennel Cephalosporium Geotrichum candidum Helminthosporium Fig Kidney Bean Leaf Lettuce Kiwi Honeydew Melon Lentil Bean Fava Bean Kelp Licorice Apple Baker's Yeast Lobster Leek Maple Sugar Mackerel Malt Nutmeg Mango Hormodendrum Pullularia Monilia sitophila Asparagus Iceberg Lettuce Mushroom Avocado Candida albicans Oat Barley Beef Onion Bell Pepper Mix Blueberry Oregano Lima Bean Navy Bean Papaya Black Pepper Broccoli Parsley Macadamia Nut Mussel Parsnip Brussel Sprouts Carob Pear Cabbage Cane Sugar Pecan Mucor racemosus Rhodotorula rubra Penicillium notatum Fluoride Catfish Peppermint Shrimp Flounder Pineapple Cantaloupe Carrot Pinto Bean Cashew Celery Plum Mahi Mahi Okra Pomegranate Cauliflower Chicken Pork Safflower Mung Bean Psyllium Pistachio Paprika Pumpkin Pine Nut Rosemary Quinoa Orris Root Fusarium oxysporum Radish Polysorbate 80 Sorbic Acid Red Raspberry Sage Red Beet/ Beet Sugar Cinnamon Cocoa Rice Clam Coconut Rye Red Allura Red Xylitol Saccharine Saffron Turkey Salmon Thyme Sunflower Sardine/ Herring Codfish Coffee Scallop Cow's Milk Egg White Sesame Olive Butternut Squash Snapper Cranberry Cucumber Sole Blue Brilliant Blue Tapioca Sorghum Egg Yolk Fructose Soybean Brewer's Yeast Peach Spinach Portobello Mushroom Scallions Squid Eggplant Ginger String Bean Gliadin Gluten Sweet Potato Spelt Turmeric Swordfish Grape Green Pea Tea Swiss Chard Watercress Teff Romaine Lettuce Crab Tomato Sucralose (Splenda) Phoma destructive Trout Grapefruit Halibut Tuna Honey Hops Vanilla Sea Bass Walnut Veal MSG Curvularia Venison Lamb Orange Watermelon Lemon Mustard Seed Wheat YellowTartrazine Rhizopus stolonifer Wild Rice Lime Banana Yellow Squash Whey Spondylocladium Zucchini Peanut Kale


  • ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Female Profile I (Saliva/Blood) ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Female Profile I (Saliva/Blood)

    Assesses gonadal, adrenal, and thyroid hormones. Includes saliva: E2, Pg, T, DS, Diurnal 4x Cortisol; and blood spot: TSH, fT3, fT4, TPO.


  • ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Male Profile I (Saliva/Blood) ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Male Profile I (Saliva/Blood)

    Assesses gonadal, adrenal, and thyroid hormones. Includes saliva: E2, T, DS, Diurnal 4x Cortisol; and blood spot: PSA, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPO.


  • ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Female Profile II (Blood/Saliva) ZRT Laboratory Comprehensive Female Profile II (Blood/Saliva)

    Assesses gonadal, adrenal, thyroid hormones. Includes blood spot: E2, Pg, T, SHBG, DS, TSH, fT3, fT4, TPO; and saliva: Diurnal 4x Cortisol.


  • Alcat Platinum Comprehensive (320 Items) Alcat Platinum Comprehensive (320 Items)

    This panel tests for 320 food intolerances and other factors that can activate the immune system. It measures changes in size and volume of white blood cells in response to challenges with foods. This is a tolerance test, not an allergy test. Platinum Comprehensive (320 Items) Panel includes testing for the following – Apple, Almond, Asparagus, Avocado, Bakers Yeast, Banana, Barley, Basil, Beef, Black Pepper, Blueberry, Brewer's Yeast, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Candida Albicans, Cantaloupe, Carob, Carrot, Casein, Cashew, Cauliflower, Celery, Cherry, Chicken, Cinnamon, Clam, Cocoa, Coconut, Codfish, Coffee, Corn, CottonSeed, Cow's Milk, Crab, Cranberry, Cucumber, Eggplant, Egg White, Egg Yolk, Fructose, Garlic, Ginger, Gliadin, Gluten, Goat's Milk, Grape, Grapefruit, Green Pea, Green Pepper, Halibut, Honey, Hops, Lamb, Lemon, Lettuce , Lime, Lobster, Millet, Mushroom, Mustard, Oat, Olive, Onion, Orange, Oregano, Parsley, Peach, Peanut, Pear, Pecan, Pineapple, Pinto Bean, Plum, Pork, Psyllium, Rice, Rye, Salmon, Scallop, Sesame, Shrimp, Snapper, Sole, Soybean, Spinach, Squash, Strawberry, String Bean, Sugar, Sweet Potato, Tea, Tomato, Tuna, Turkey, Vanilla, Watermelon, Wheat, Whey, White Potato Acorn Squash, Anchovies, Anise seed, Beef liver, Black currant, Bok choy, Brazil nut, Cardamon, Catfish, Chamomile, Chili pepper, Coriander, Crayfish, Curry, Endive, Fava bean, Fennel, Flounder, Jalapeno, Kale, Kelp, Leek, Liquorice, Macadamia, Maple sugar, Mackerel, Mung bean, Mussel, Nectarine, Okra, Parsnip, Pine nut, Phesant, Pomegranate, Quail, Quinoa, Rhubarb, Romaine lettuce, Rosemary, Sheeps milk, Saffron, Spelt, Squid, Swiss chard, Swordfish, Tarragon, Turmeric, Venison, Watercress, Zucchini squash


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