The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has powerful and versatile health benefits at both internal as well as external level. Its internal applications range from being helpful in cases of constipation, heartburn, and acid reflux. Its external applications range from alleviating gum disease, wound healing, soothing sunburns and also managing skin issues

Aloe vera leaves are fleshy and thick and contain gel-like juice. This juice is added as an ingredient in medicines and cosmetics. It is also used as a beauty treatment for the skin. It alleviates sunburn, promotes skin injury healing, hydrates the skin, eliminates stretch marks and dark spots, controls acne, calms skin conditions, and reduces skin aging. It is also used for wound healing, heartburn, acid reflux, gum disease and tooth, and constipation. Recent research studies have proven records of the below-given helpful benefits of Aloe vera.

1. Wound healing 

Application of Aloe vera gel to the skin is considered to help in wound healing and this is inclusive of injuries like 

  • Sunburn 
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Thermal burns 
  • Frostbite 
  • Skin ulcers
  • Surgical wounds 
  • Bedsores

A 2019 study review concluded that aloe vera has been proven to be more effective than framycetin, petroleum jelly cream, antibiotic cream, and silver sulfadiazine 1% ointment in curing many types of wounds, which include burns, pressure sores, and surgical wounds. It has even been considered to partly lower pain by enabling scar tissues to be flexible and well-hydrated. According to laboratory studies, aloe vera aids in healing by increasing the growth of new skin cells. The gel also exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.

2. Gum disease and tooth

When aloe vera is applied to the teeth and gums, there is a reduction in dental plaque buildup. This helps to reduce the risk of gum disease and cavities.

In the research study published in Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, it was discovered that Aloe vera's antibacterial properties helped reduce that bacteria, resulting in plaque growth and the causative factor for cavities. Aloe vera effectively prevents periodontal gum disease and gingivitis when used as a mouthwash and daily brushing.

3. Heartburn and acid reflux

When administered internally, aloe vera causes a marked reduction in heartburn and acid reflux by slowing the release of stomach acids. Animal studies have shown that active ingredients in Aloe vera alter the gut-brain axis (GBA). GBA helps regulate digestion, and this also includes the production of acids.

In a pilot study on a small scale, it was found that Aloe vera is effective in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It resulted in a reduction in acid reflux symptoms. 

4. Constipation 

Aloe vera has been proven to be effective as a strong laxative, and thus its administration enables the treatment of occasional constipation. It may be said that it acts similarly in function to a laxative like bisacodyl (Dulcolax). Therefore, Aloe vera acts by causing an increase in gut motility, that is, intestinal contractions that enable food movement through the gut.

In research studies, it has been found that aloe vera not only proves advantageous but is also considered to inhibit the multiplication of harmful bacteria in the gut that cause diarrhea.

5. Skin injuries and soothing sunburns 

The advantages of aloe vera for sunburned skin have already been known. Nevertheless, it has been proven to be beneficial in several ways for your skin, too. Thus, if you want a natural method to improve skin health, you should use an aloe vera skincare routine. 

Aloe vera helps soothe skin injuries through its properties like multiplying collagen synthesis and cross-linking. As a result, it reduces scar tissue and accelerates wound healing.

Aloe vera also contains chemical constituents like aloin and anthraquinones. These have beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in the body. They also help reduce pain and enable healing. However, it is important to note that aloe vera should be applied in cases of mild to moderate first- and second-degree burn spots. A severe burn should be treated by a registered doctor. 

6. Moisturizing Skin 

Aloe vera contains humectants, which are chemical components that attract water from deep inside the skin as well as from the air. This is a useful property for dry skin types. Aloe vera also contains mucopolysaccharides that enable moisture binding to the skin and this acts as a moisturizer. It also has cohesive properties, which enable the sticking together of epidermal cells that are flaking. 

7. Fading stretch marks and dark spots

 As per research studies, there are two chemical constituents in aloe vera that fade stretch marks and dark spots. It is also proven to be effective against UV-induced as well as post-acne hyperpigmentation. A recent research study has proven aloe vera leaves are an effective treatment against melasma, which is a dark spot on the face. 

8. Managing Acne 

Aloe vera comprises naturally present urea nitrogen, phenols, cinnamic acid, salicylic acid, and sulfur; all of these compounds inhibit the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. 

The anti-inflammatory property of aloe vera enables the suppression of P. acne, which is the bacteria causing acne. Salicylic acid at present is the most potent way to prevent acne because it causes a reduction in dead cells from the outer skin layer and thereby results in a decrease in inflammation and redness. 

9. Soothing conditions of the skin 

Psoriasis, or flare-ups, is an inflammatory condition that results in the causation of itchy, red, and scaly patches. It can be managed at its best by using aloe vera in the mix. This benefit is achieved due to the anti-inflammatory properties of aloe. 

The same holds true even in the case of a skin condition called eczema, in which the skin becomes itchy, red, and more susceptible to bacterial and fungal infections. It is important to note that aloe has anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe eczema by protecting and hydrating it from toxins. 

10. Slowdown in signs of aging 

Since aloe vera has chemical constituents named vitamins C and E, it can help in the formation of free radicals. These are the chemical structures that result in cell damage. Salicylic acid, also contained in aloe, functions as an exfoliant and removes those dead skin cells.

Aloe vera gel may help with improving skin texture, wound healing, preventing cavities, and reducing wrinkles. On oral administration, Aloe vera can help treat acid reflux and lower blood sugar and cholesterol.

It can be concluded that Aloe vera usage results in powerful and versatile health benefits at both internal as well as external level. Its internal applications range from being helpful in cases of constipation, heartburn, and acid reflux. Its external applications range from alleviating gum disease, wound healing, soothing sunburns and also managing skin issues like eczema, and acne. The incorporation of Aloe vera in your daily routine can enable the healing advantages of this remarkable plant and thereby improve overall well-being. 

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