
7 Warning Signs Of Osteoarthritis

7 Warning Signs Of Osteoarthritis

The Centers for Disease Control reports that osteoarthritis affects over 30 million adults. Typically, osteoarthritis occurs in older individuals; however, younger people with joint injuries can suffer from it. Osteoarthritis occurs when the tissues that protect the ends of the joints become damaged. When this happens, the bones rub together rather than moving smoothly. This rubbing leads to pain, decreased range of motion, and stiffness. Over time, this rubbing of the bones can change the shape of the joint, causing further damage. Bone spurs can grow on the ends of joints, and bits of cartilage and bone can break off and invade the joint spaces.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis

Several things can increase your risk of developing osteoarthritis. These risk factors include:

• Overuse or injury of joints – Repetitive stress and injury of a joint can cause damage to the joint and lead to osteoarthritis.

• Age – As you age, the risk of developing osteoarthritis increases.

• Sex – Women are more likely to develop osteoarthritis than men.

• Being overweight or obese – When you are overweight, extra stress will be placed on weight-bearing joints, including the knees and hips.

• Genetics – If you have an immediate family member with osteoarthritis, your risk of developing osteoarthritis increases.

Seven warning signs of osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis comes with a host of warning signs. If you are experiencing any of these warning signs, it is essential to act quickly, as you can minimize the damage caused by osteoarthritis. Let's look at each warning sign and what you should do.

Signs Of Osteoarthritis

1. Joint pain—Joint pain is one of the most common warning signs of osteoarthritis. If you develop sudden or gradual joint pain that persists, resolves after resting, or worsens with activity, visit your doctor. Many ways to reduce osteoarthritis pain include using a glucosamine supplement, resting as much as possible, and icing the joint.

2. Joint stiffness—Joint stiffness often occurs after inactivity, such as sitting for extended periods or upon waking. It typically lasts up to 30 minutes. Daily stretching, cardiovascular, and strength training exercises can help reduce joint stiffness.

3. Fatigue—Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis experience fatigue. Joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation can cause the body to work harder, resulting in excessive fatigue. Furthermore, people with osteoarthritis do not rest well. If you are not getting the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep, try resting throughout the day. Resting will take the pressure off your joints and give your body time to heal.

4. Grinding and popping sounds – Osteoarthritis sufferers often experience popping or grinding sounds when the affected joint is moved. This grinding and popping are due to the bones in the joint rubbing together. Joints have a covering over the end of the bones to help the joint move fluidly. When this covering becomes damaged, the joint does not glide smoothly, resulting in popping and grinding sounds.

5. Decreased range of motion—When joints become damaged, osteoarthritis sufferers can experience a decreased range of motion and a loss of flexibility. Additionally, osteoarthritis causes inflammation. When swelling occurs around the joints, the range of motion can reduce, and one may not be able to perform daily activities as efficiently.

6. Related pain—When you suffer from joint stiffness, instability, pain, and decreased range of motion, you may overcompensate by changing how you walk and perform other daily activities. For example, if you have osteoarthritis in your left knee, you may begin favoring it and putting more weight on your right knee. This change in your gait can result in pain in other areas of your body, including your right knee and back.

7. Joint instability—The National Institutes of Health reports that osteoarthritis affects approximately 10 percent of people aged 60 and older. Osteoarthritis damages the joints and results in joint instability. Joint instability occurs when the joints, cartilage, muscles, and tendons become worn and damaged. It can cause the joint to malfunction. For example, if the knee joint becomes unstable, it may try to bend backward or sideways, resulting in further damage to the tendons, cartilage, and muscles.

Osteoarthritis is a debilitating condition. It occurs when the tissues covering the joints become damaged due to wear and tear, inflammation, and past injuries. If you are experiencing any warning signs, visit your doctor. You can do many things to limit the damage to your joints, including weight loss, getting plenty of rest, exercising, and taking a glucosamine supplement.


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