Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body is unable to digest gluten. Avoiding gluten and using digestive enzymes help treat it.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the body is unable to digest gluten. When a celiac patient consumes gluten, the immune system attacks the small intestine. This attack can damage the villi in the small intestine. The villi help the intestine absorb nutrients from foods. When these villi become damaged, sufferers can experience vitamin deficiencies. In addition to vitamin deficiencies, celiac can cause several problems, including:

  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Behavioral Problems, including ADHD, developmental delays, anxiety, and depression
  • Headaches
  • Gastrointestinal problems, such as abdominal pain, constipation, vomiting, and liver problems
  • Muscular skeletal issues, including arthritis, joint and muscle pain, neuropathy, and osteoporosis
  • Reproductive disorders like infertility, miscarriages, delayed puberty, and menstrual irregularities
  • Skin and dental problems, including eczema, hair loss, canker sores and rashes

Celiac disease can cause a variety of long-term health problems if foods containing gluten are not avoided. These problems include other autoimmune disorders, pancreatic insufficiency, gallbladder issues, Multiple Sclerosis, epilepsy, Type I diabetes, and intestinal cancers.

There are several ways to help celiac patients deal with the effects of this autoimmune disorder. However, before you learn how to deal with this disease, you need to understand what gluten is. Gluten is a term used for the proteins found in various grains. There are two different proteins found in wheat- glutenin and gliadin. Barley contains the protein hordein; rye contains secalin and avenin in oats. As you can see, there are different proteins in each type of grain. According to the Celiac Support Association, the most common irritants to a celiac sufferer are the proteins found in wheat, barley, and rye.

Avoiding gluten is the best way to prevent a reaction, but this is not easy. You must strive for a gluten-free diet, avoiding traces of wheat and rye. Even a trace of gluten can contaminate the small intestine.

Understanding the most common types of grain that cause the immune system to attack the body can help you protect yourself. Most people know that gluten is found in most breads, pastas and cookies; however, many do not realize that gluten can also be found in other food items, medications, cosmetics and cleaning products. Therefore, you must read every label to prevent an immune response.

Most labels do not list the word gluten; therefore, it is essential to look for products containing wheat, barley, or rye derivatives. Common derivatives include brewer's yeast, malt syrup, malt extract, and flavoring. Additionally, it is essential to consider cross-contamination because even the slightest trace can cause a reaction.

Enzymes- What Are They and Why Are They Important?

Celiac sufferers often experience a reduction in digestive enzymes, bile, and stomach acids. This causes the body to be unable to digest food properly, leading to vitamin deficiencies and even malnutrition. Additionally, insufficient stomach acids, bile, and enzymes can allow pathogens and bacteria to overgrow in the intestines, resulting in gut inflammation. This can lead to other food sensitivities, chronic yeast infections, and reduced immune function.

Celiac Disease Symptoms

Once you have eliminated all gluten, it is time to heal your intestines, restore enzyme levels, and increase your stomach acids. This can be done with digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes help the body break down food.

Naturally occurring digestive enzymes are produced in the small intestine, stomach, saliva glands, and pancreas, according to Whole 9 Life. You can improve digestion with supplemental digestive enzymes when these systems are malfunctioning. There are three types of supplemental digestive enzymes- fruit-sourced, animal-sourced, and plant-sourced from fungi.

Plant-sourced enzymes are the weakest type of digestive enzyme supplements. These enzymes are isolated in papayas and pineapples.

Plant-sourced enzymes from fungi survive the digestive system and are considered the most stable digestive enzymes.

Animal-sourced enzymes can come from cows or pigs. The most common type of this enzyme is pancreatin. 

For best results, you should take digestive enzymes with food; however, you can also take them 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after your meal. As you begin using these enzymes, you will notice an improvement in symptoms within as little as three days.

Celiac disease can cause numerous problems in the small intestine. This can cause a plethora of symptoms, including malnutrition, joint pain, multiple Sclerosis, and even cancer. You can help heal the damage gluten has caused by avoiding all gluten and using digestive enzymes to improve digestion and heal the small intestines.

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