
Health Benefits Of DHEA

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Health Benefits of DHEA

DHEA, a hormone produced in the adrenal glands,can help slow down the effects of aging and improve your quality of life. To know about its benefits read more..

DHEA is a hormone produced in the adrenal glands. It is one of the most abundant steroids in the bloodstream. This powerful hormone is associated with a wide variety of body functions. The following information will discuss the numerous health benefits of DHEA and how DHEA supplementation can help slow down the effects of aging and improve one's quality of life.

DHEA and the Immune System

Numerous studies have found that DHEA could enhance immunity, especially in older people. DHEA provides powerful killer cells in the body, helps regulate thyroid functions, and provides antioxidant power to fight disease.

DHEA's Effects on Mood

DHEA may help prevent the body from destroying tryptophan, which is needed to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that provides a person with a feeling of well-being. When the body does not make ample levels of DHEA, depression, anxiety, and melancholy can occur.

DHEA's Effects on Energy Levels

Chronic stress often causes fatigue. Studies have shown that people with adrenal insufficiency usually have lower levels of DHEA. Consuming between 50 and 200 milligrams of DHEA may help improve energy levels by enhancing adrenal functions.

DHEA's Effects on the Body

In addition to the benefits listed above, DHEA supplementation can help with various bodily functions, including halting the effects of aging, improving respiratory functions, and assisting with weight loss. The following list will help you realize the benefits of taking a DHEA supplement.

  • Aging

DHEA can help halt the effects of aging in men and women. Higher DHEA levels can also protect against osteoporosis, especially in menopausal women.

  • Autoimmune Disorders

Proponents of DHEA supplementation speculate that because DHEA boosts immune functions, it may also improve the symptoms associated with autoimmune disorders. These disorders include Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Multiple Sclerosis.

  • COPD

COPD sufferers may benefit from DHEA supplementation. Preliminary research shows that DHEA improves lung functions by decreasing inflammation in the airway passage. Additionally, DHEA helps the body improve immunity, which can help lower the incidence of respiratory illness.

  • Libido

Low levels of DHEA in the body have been associated with erectile dysfunction and hormonal deficiencies in menopausal women. Therefore, researchers speculate that a DHEA supplement may help improve sexual function and libido in elderly patients.

  • Weight Loss
Health Benefits of DHEA

Did you know that DHEA might help improve metabolism? Several studies have shown that DHEA can help the body turn excess fat into energy, thus enhancing weight loss in overweight or obese people.

BioMatrix offers a complete line of hormones to help improve vitality, vigor, and overall well-being. Each formula is comprised of high-quality ingredients and manufactured under strict supervision to deliver a product that naturally produces the same molecular structure as the hormones the body produces.

DHEA supplementation helps to stabilize nerve cell growth and halhalte effects of aging. Because of its numerous benefits, it can repair damage to the body caused by chronic stress, illness, and toxins.


  • This supplement is worth trying


    Kamla Motiani

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