
How To Treat Hemorrhoids

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How To Treat Hemorrhoids

Making smart dietary choices and getting plenty of exercise can help alleviate the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids occur when veins in the rectum and anus become swollen. There are two types of hemorrhoids- internal and external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless and can bleed during a bowel movement. This type of hemorrhoid is often found during a rectal exam. External hemorrhoids, on the other hand, frequently cause swelling, itching, pain, and bleeding during a bowel movement.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

There are many causes of hemorrhoids, including constipation, liver diseases, and pregnancy. Additionally, as you age, your risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. Almost half of people aged 50 or older will suffer from hemorrhoids during their lifetime.

When you suffer from constipation, you must strain to have a bowel movement. This straining puts pressure on the veins in the rectum and anus, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Another common issue that causes constipation is pregnancy. The extra weight of the fetus places pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins, causing them to swell.

Finally, liver disease, obesity, colon cancer, and sitting for long periods can cause hemorrhoids. Liver disease can increase the pressure in your veins, which can lead to hemorrhoids. Obesity and sitting for long periods put pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins. Colon cancer and previous rectal surgery can increase your risk of developing this painful condition.

How To Treat Hemorrhoids

Home Remedies to Ease Hemorrhoids

There are many excellent over-the-counter medications and home remedies to help ease your hemorrhoids. In addition to this, making smart dietary choices and getting plenty of exercise can help alleviate the pain, swelling, itching, and discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

  • Stool softeners increase the amount of water and fat in the stool, allowing it to pass quickly. However, stool softeners are different from laxatives, which should be avoided because diarrhea can worsen the symptoms.
  • Topical Anesthetics Topical anesthetics help relieve the pain and shrink swollen tissues. However, because some of these over the counter medications contain steroids and vasoconstrictors, those suffering with diabetes should speak with their physician before using.
  • Dietary Changes One of the best ways to prevent and relieve hemorrhoids is to increase fiber intake. Dietary fiber relieves constipation, one of the leading causes of hemorrhoids. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Avoid spicy and acidic foods, such as citrus fruits and tomatoes, when your hemorrhoids bother you because they irritate delicate tissues.
  • Sitz Baths Sitz baths can help decrease inflammation and relieve pain and itching. After using a sitz bath, it is imperative that you gently dry the anal area to minimize skin irritation. Gently blot the area with a soft cloth or let air dry completely before dressing. 
  • Cold Compresses Applying an ice pack to the area for about 10 minutes thrice daily can relieve pain and help with swelling.
  • Moderate Exercise Moderate exercise can help relieve hemorrhoids by getting the blood flowing to the anal area. The increased blood flow provides the area with healing nutrients and oxygen to speed up the healing time.
  • Pain Relievers Nonprescription pain relievers like acetaminophen can help alleviate the pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as naproxen, aspirin, or ibuprofen, provide pain relief and can help relieve the swelling.

There are many causes of hemorrhoids, and many of them can be prevented through lifestyle and dietary changes. Prevention is the best way to ensure that you do not get hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids, there are many home remedies and naturopathic remedies that can help alleviate the pain, swelling, and itching.

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