
Daily Detox Tips

Daily Detox Tips

Ayurveda and detox seem to go hand in hand with one another. Here are a few Ayurvedic detox tips for you.

Detoxification is concerned with the removal of toxic substances from your body. Partying with a lot of alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and usage of drugs are just some of how you come in contact with these toxins. You should note that your regular metabolism also produces toxins in your body. These toxic substances accumulate in your body over some time. Well, your liver and kidneys do a lot of the detoxification themselves. But wouldn’t it be nice to extend a helping hand to them occasionally?

On this note, let us consider Ayurvedic detoxification. There is a certain amount of trust that everybody can associate with Ayurveda. This is probably because this traditional approach to health and medicine is primarily based on everything natural and harmless. Unlike modern medicine, the methods used in Ayurveda are known not to have any side effects. You'll find many detox tips here and there, but the following ones are time-tested and expert-suggested.

1. Drink warm lemon water

Drinking warm water mixed with lemon juice is a detox tip with many benefits. It helps clean your digestive tract and is said to help eliminate excess fat. The ideal time for doing this is early in the morning.

2. Follow a kitchari diet

Kitchari is prepared using the simplest ingredients, but its benefits far exceed the simplicity of preparation. It is made using rice, yellow lentils, clarified butter, spices, and vegetables, depending on the season or one's taste. It helps cleanse the body of systemic toxins, and it's easily digestible as well.

Daily Detox Tips

3. Avoid junk food

The food we eat significantly impacts our health and body. Everyone knows that, despite being tasty, junk food is never the healthiest. Avoiding this kind of food helps reduce weight and the amount of toxins in the body. This detox tip is one of the most essential in maintaining good health. 

4. Practice yoga

Specific yoga postures have proven to purge the body of its toxins. The Downward Dog, Legs up the Wall, and Marichi's Twist are yoga postures that help stimulate the digestive organs, better blood circulation, and detoxify.

5. Seek professional Ayurvedic help

Apart from the above detox tips, it might be a bit more of a trouble to get in touch with the professionals in this field. But most people who've sought professional Ayurvedic help from the right places say they're worth the time and the money. They can even give you custom solutions to your detoxifying needs. Try them and see for yourself!

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