How To Prevent Bad Breath

Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by a plethora of things, including dental disease, digestive disturbances, smoking, and poor oral health.  Natural remedies can help neutralize oral odors and give you fresh smelling breath.

Bad breath affects thousands of men and women each year. Many people reach for breath mints, mouth wash, or gum to help mask their bad breath. Unfortunately, all of these are temporary methods and do not address the cause of bad breath. There are many natural remedies and lifestyle changes that can prevent or cure bad breath. Let’s take a look at the top 11 remedies to neutralize oral odors and give you fresh smelling breath.

Apple cider vinegar    

Vinegar contains acetic acid, which can help reduce bacterial growth in your mouth. Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water. Gargle with the mixture for at least thirty seconds to flush the bacteria from the back part of your tongue. As you gargle, swish the solution between your teeth to remove food particles that can cause bad breath.

Brush and floss your teeth

One of the best ways to ensure you have fresh breath is to brush and floss your teeth at least twice per day. Brushing and flushing remove food between your teeth and bacteria that may be causing your bad breath. When brushing your teeth, make sure to brush your tongue or use a tongue scraper. The bacteria that cause bad breath can be growing on your tongue.

Digestive enzymes

If you are not properly digesting your foods, it can cause you to have bad breath. One way to counteract this is to take digestive enzyme supplements like those offered at Vita Living. Some of the most common digestive enzymes are bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple; papain, an enzyme found in papaya; protease, an enzyme to help digest protein, lipase, an enzyme to help digest fats, and animal sourced enzymes like pancreatin.

Functional doctor

A functional doctor can help determine the root cause of your bad breath. A functional medicine doctor may analyze the bacteria in your mouth to determine its cause. Some of the most common causes of bad breath include tooth decay, medications, sinus infections, diet, dry mouth, poor oral health, and a plethora of medical issues. Determining the root cause of your bad breath can help your functional healthcare practitioner determine the best treatment option for your unique needs.

Green tea

Green tea has been shown to help relieve bad breath naturally. Green tea contains polyphenols. These polyphenols provide antibacterial protection. Furthermore, green tea provides a deodorant action to reduce bad breath.  For best results drink three to five cups of tea each day. If you do not like tea, you can take an EGCG polyphenol supplement.  


Many people are surprised to learn that their bad breath may be due to an unhealthy digestive tract. Improving your digestive health with a probiotic supplement may help. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that help boost immunity, improve digestion, and fight off odor causing bacteria. Eating probiotic rich, fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi can also help prevent and cure bad breath.

Reduce stress

Did you know that stress can alter your body’s natural odor When you are under stress, it can impact the delicate balance of your microbiome, allowing bad bacteria to multiply and overrun the good bacteria in your body. One way to reduce bad breath is to lower your stress levels. Practicing stress reduction techniques, getting ample exercise, eating nutritious meals, and getting at least seven hours of sleep can help counteract the effects of stress on your body.


Sleep, or lack thereof, can impact your breath. If you are not getting enough sleep, it can impact the amount of saliva produced in the mouth. When enough saliva is not produced, it can alter the bacterial balance in the mouth, resulting in bad breath. In addition to this, if you sleep with your mouth open while you sleep, it can cause dry mouth and lead to smell morning breath.

Stay hydrated

One of the most common causes of bad breath is a dry mouth. When you are dehydrated, your body will not produce enough saliva. A dry mouth encourages bacteria growth, which can leave you with bad breath. Drink water throughout the day to help hydrate your mouth and reduce the risk of bad breath. Experts recommend drinking one half of an ounce of water for every pound you weigh. For best results, sip water throughout the day rather than gulping it down quickly.

Stop smoking

Most people understand that smoking is bad for your health; however, many do not realize that it can also cause bad breath. First, smoking cigarettes dries out your mouth, increasing the risk of bad breath. The smell of smoke also lingers, resulting in bad breath. Finally, tobacco products increase the risk of gum disease, which can cause odors in your mouth.

Zinc supplements

Zinc is a trace mineral used for more than 300 different cellular functions. Studies have shown that zinc stops volatile sulfur compounds from building up in your mouth. These compounds are one of the causes of bad breath. Zinc chewing gum or mouthwash can help eliminate bad breath. In addition to this, you can take zinc supplements to rebalance gut health and reduce bad breath.

Bad breath can be caused by a plethora of things, including dental disease, digestive disturbances, smoking, and poor oral health. There are many different techniques that can be used to prevent and cure your bad breath. Try the natural options listed above to make your breath smell great. If you are still experiencing bad breath after trying a few of these options, contact your functional doctor or dentist to determine the root cause of your bad breath.


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