The health of the prostate gland is extremely important to keep in check. View these 8 tips to support a healthy prostate.
Your prostate gland, part of the reproductive system, is under the bladder. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds the urethra. As a man ages, the prostate can enlarge, making urination difficult. Learning how to keep your prostate healthy can reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH, and prostate cancer.
Beans Boost Prostate Health
Replace red meat with beans to promote prostate health. Beans are filled with healthy protein but also provide fiber to help protect against enlarged prostates and cancer. Black beans, Chia seeds, and hemp seeds contain the essential amino acids your body needs to stay healthy and fight disease.
Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries, are rich in nutrients that help protect the prostate. Each berry contains antioxidants that help protect against damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, these berries contain vitamin C, which can help reduce prostate swelling and promote urination.
Eat More Red Fruits and Vegetables
Red foods, such as watermelons and tomatoes, are filled with lycopene. This antioxidant has been proven to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and the redder the fruit, the more lycopene it has. Therefore, when choosing red fruits and vegetables, choose the reddest, ripest ones.
Exercise and Weight Loss
Carrying weight around your middle can impact your overall prostate health. To maintain a healthy weight, eat lean proteins and at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Perform moderate exercise at least three days a week to help improve the health of your prostate gland. Exercises such as walking, swimming, or bicycling can help enhance muscle mass and increase metabolism, which can help prevent an enlarged prostate.
Fish the Other White Meat
Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, can help reduce free radicals in the body. Cod, tuna, and salmon have the highest omega-3 content. Omega-3 fatty acids offer anti-inflammatory benefits and may help inhibit tumor growth. Additionally, they can help fight obesity, one of the leading causes of enlarged prostates.
Go Crazy for Nuts
Did you know that eating a serving of Brazil nuts could supply you with the recommended daily allowance of selenium? Several studies have shown that selenium and soy may help prevent prostate cancer. Additionally, the fats found in nuts can help promote brain health and lower cholesterol levels.
Self-Exams and Yearly Prostate Checks
Self-exams, along with annual prostate checks by your doctor, can help warn you of changes to the prostate. If you experience impotence, incontinence, or any other signs associated with an enlarged prostate, schedule an appointment to speak to your doctor. Make sure your physician knows of any family history of prostate problems so he can help develop an action plan to protect against age-related prostate issues.
Supplements You Can Depend On
Did you know that zinc could help keep your prostate healthy? Zinc deficiencies have been linked to enlarged prostates. Antioxidants and various herbs, including saw palmetto, stinging nettle, and turmeric, can help promote and maintain healthy prostate functions.Metagenics supplements offer a full line of formulasto help protect against an enlarged prostate.
Maintaining a healthy prostate begins with healthy eating, exercise, and weight loss. An enlarged prostate is often associated with aging; however, you can reduce the risk of prostate problems by making wise health decisions, taking supplements, and performing monthly self-exams. Finally, be open and honest with your physician and discuss any issues you may be experiencing.
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