Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an antioxidant needed for essential cellular functions throughout the body. These include manufacturing new cells, protecting the body against free radicals, and supporting enzymatic functions. Coenzyme Q10 is also shown to lower cholesterol levels and promote good heart health. Additionally, it improves energy levels, assists with muscle regeneration, and reduces the occurrence of migraines.
The body naturally produces Co Q10; however, as you age, its production declines. In addition to aging, you can experience a Co Q 10 deficiency if you suffer from mitochondrial diseases, take statins for cardiovascular protection, have other nutritional deficiencies, or suffer from a genetic defect or certain diseases. Luckily, you can get this all-important antioxidant through supplementation and food. Let's look at the top ten ways CoQ10 can improve your health.
1. Brain Health
Did you know that CoQ10 supplementation can improve brain health? As you age, the mitochondria in the age begin to dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been associated with a variety of diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, oxidative stress can impact memory, physical functionality, and cognition.
Due to its high-fat content and need for oxygen, the brain is susceptible to damage caused by oxidative stress. CoQ10 supplementation may help slow the progression of these debilitating diseases.
2. Diabetes
Oxidative stress occurs when CoQ10 levels decline. It can cause cellular damage, which can lead to several metabolic diseases, including diabetes. When mitochondria do not function properly, insulin resistance can occur.
Studies have shown that supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and regulate glucose levels. In fact, in one study involving type 2 people with type 2 diabetes, fasting blood sugar levels significantly decreased over 12 weeks.
CoQ10 supplementation may also help to prevent diabetes. This powerful antioxidant stimulates the body to break down fats and even reduce the accumulation of fat cells, thus reducing the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
3. Exercise Performance
Oxidative stress caused by low CoQ10 levels can reduce exercise performance and muscle function. When muscle energy is reduced, it can be challenging to contract muscles properly and exercise efficiently.
Supplementing with CoEnzyme Q 10 can help decrease oxidative stress while improving mitochondrial function. This supplement can also increase power and improve exercise performance.
4. Fertility
As you age, the quality and quantity of your eggs or sperm begin to decline. Research has shown that as the production of Coenzyme Q10 declines, the body cannot protect the eggs or sperm from oxidative damage, resulting in infertility.
Several studies have shown that fertility may be improved by increasing CoQ10 in the body through supplementation and eating foods rich in Coenzyme Q10. This antioxidant can improve the quality and quantity of sperm in men and reduce the decline of eggs in women.
5. Heart Health
A ten-year study was completed on the effects of coenzyme Q 10 on the heart. The research concluded that supplementing nutrition with CoQ10 could dramatically increase the survival rate of heart failure patients, extend their lifespan, and improve their overall quality of life.
One effect of aging is a decrease in efficient energy management. People with heart failure have low levels of CoQ10. Coenzyme Q100 restores nutrients to the heart muscle's mitochondria and can help manage cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Finally, those supplementing healthy eating and lifestyle choices with coenzyme Q10 often experience improved heart function measurements. The study concluded that supplementation could significantly lower the risk of dying from heart failure and cut the risk of having a major cardiac event by half. In addition to helping improve heart functions, CoQ10 supplementation can cut the risk of dying from any cause by half.
6. Increased Energy
Each cell contains mitochondria. Mitochondria are responsible for energy production by combining calories with oxygen. CoQ10 helps with the process of energy production. If you do not have enough coenzyme Q 10, you may experience fatigue, lethargy, and slow healing.
Additionally, those suffering from chronic stress tend to have coenzyme Q 10 deficiencies, thus exacerbating their stress levels. When you are stressed, your body uses up CoQ10 faster. This can cause a plethora of chronic medical conditions along with fatigue.
7. Lung Health
Decreased antioxidant protection, including low levels of CoEnzyme Q10, can cause various lung problems, including COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and asthma. Taking a supplement can reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract and reduce the need for steroid medications used to treat asthma.
Studies have also shown that those suffering from COPD can improve their breathing and exercise tolerance with supplementation. COQ10 supplementation reduces oxidative damage along with inflammation in the lungs.
8. Migraine Relief
Migraine headaches are known to incapacitate sufferers. The symptoms of migraine include one-sided pain, visual disturbances, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivities to lights and sounds. Many migraine sufferers experience headaches several times a month.
Although the exact cause of a migraine is unknown, a study published on February 22, 2005, issue of Neurology reported that CoQ10 could help reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. Another study found that 33 percent of migraine sufferers had low levels of coenzyme Q 10. Therefore, taking a CoQ10 supplement may help reduce the number of migraines you experience.
9. Muscle Regeneration
During exercise, your muscles expend energy produced by coenzyme Q10. After training, the muscles must regenerate to repair any damage caused during a workout. CoQ10 reduces muscle inflammation, increases weight loss efforts, and improves metabolism, making it the perfect supplement for those trying to get in shape and lose weight.
Coenzyme Q10 offers many positive health benefits, from heart health to protection against chronic disease. It destroys free radicals within the body and sparks energy production at the cellular level. This powerful antioxidant reduces cell damage and is vital for cellular functions.
10. Skin Health
The skin is the largest organ in the body. Because it acts as a protective barrier, it is exposed to internal and external agents that can damage it. Some of the internal agents include hormonal imbalance and cellular damage. External agents include UV rays and toxic chemical exposure. These harmful elements can lead to many issues, including reduced moisture, thinning skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and more.
Applying a moisturizer containing Coenzyme Q10 can reduce the effects of oxidative damage and decrease the aging effects of oxidative stress. Furthermore, those with low CoQ10 levels are at an increased risk of developing skin cancer.
To improve your skin health, apply a lotion or moisturizer that contains Co Enzyme Q10 twice daily. When used, this potent antioxidant will reduce the damage caused by the sun, decrease the risk of skin cancer, and provide enhanced antioxidant protection.
CoQ10 Rich Foods
CoQ10 occurs naturally in a variety of foods. Eating foods rich in this antioxidant can help protect your health. Incorporate the following foods into your diet to help protect your health:
Citrus Fruits
Fatty Fish
Green Leafy Vegetables
Organ Meats
Sesame Seeds
CoQ10 supplementation offers numerous health benefits. This vital antioxidant helps detoxify the body, promote cellular energy, and preserve health. It can also prevent or treat several chronic diseases, including diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and Parkinson's disease. Furthermore, CoEnzyme Q10 enhances skin health and fertility and improves lung and heart function.
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