
Benefits Of Probiotics

Benefits Of Probiotics

Did you know that adding Probiotics in your daily routine can be highly beneficial?

Probiotics are living organisms that are beneficial to your overall health and well-being. These organisms include bacteria and yeast, essential to the immune system and digestion. The two most common groups of probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Let's discuss eight benefits you will garner from taking probiotics.

Prevention of Gastrointestinal Disorders

Toxins, chemicals, illnesses, and antibiotics can disrupt the balance of bacteria in your gut. When an imbalance occurs, you may experience gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, vomiting, and constipation. Consuming probiotics can help reset the delicate balance of the gastrointestinal tract.

Get Beautiful Skin with Probiotics

Probiotics work from the inside out to help prevent and clear up skin conditions. Most skin conditions, including eczema and acne, are caused by inflammation. Probiotics help the skin retain moisture naturally, repair sun damage, and protect against aging.

Get Skinny with Probiotics

Did you know that probiotics could help you lose weight? When the gastrointestinal tract is not functioning correctly, it cannot absorb the nutrients your body needs. Instead of metabolizing the food you eat for energy, the body stores excess calories as fat. By correcting digestion functions, your metabolism will increase, and you will begin losing weight as the body converts fat into energy.

Benefits Of Probiotics

Improve Mood

Probiotics can help correct imbalances in the brain's neurochemistry. These imbalances often cause mental issues, including psychosis, depression,n, and anxiety. Numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of probiotics can help improve mood disorders.

Cholesterol Levels

Probiotics do not help lower cholesterol levels, but several studies have proved it. Researchers have found that probiotics help reduce fatty acids in the blood. Experts contend that it may be due to improved liver functions. The liver uses cholesterol to produce bile. As cholesterol is used, a person's cholesterol levels may decrease.

Decrease Allergic Symptoms

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system is not functioning correctly. The immune system responds to harmless substances and triggers itching, wheezing, and skin rashes. Probiotics can help correct immune system imbalances and may alleviate allergies.

Probiotics and Oral Health

Like your gut, your mouth is filled with good and bad bacteria. An imbalance in the mouth can cause a plethora of oral health problems. For example, halitosis is caused by an overgrowth of sulfur-causing bacteria. Likewise, cavities occur when microorganisms attack the enamel of the tooth. A high-quality probiotic can help balance the microflora in your mouth, which can help protect against cavities, bad breath, and gingivitis. 

Probiotics and Urinary Health

Urinary tract infections often occur when hostile bacteria enter the urinary tract. Probiotics can help combat these microbiological attacks by increasing the amount of good bacteria in the urinary tract. These good bacteria offer a potential first line of defense against infections.

As you can see, there are many advantages to including probiotics in your daily routine. Probiotics by Genestra are manufactured using evidence-based science. Each product is made with clinical precision to ensure safety, reliability, and efficacy.


  • Hi. Although I haven’t read the literature, a doctor told me about his reluctance to prescribe probiotics because it can cause brain fog and cognitive issues in some patients. Any truth to this?



  • I have to tell ya- my son and his constipated girlfiend have both experienced the magic of using probiotic supplements and eatting yogurt and granola ! They have finally been relieved of all they are full of !! Thanks !


    Brenda Randall

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