Immunity Boosters For Kids

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Immunity Boosters For Kids

During winter, a kid with weak immune system is more vulnerable to cold and flu.  Supplement your child's diet with the right vitamins and supplements.

Previous studies have shown that multi-vitamins contribute a great deal to your child’s health as well as mental and physical development. Your child’s immune system plays an important role in preventing infections. During the winter season, a kid with weak immune system is more vulnerable to infections such as cold and flu. In the past, parents typically gave their children vitamin C supplements during the winter months. However, there are other vitamins supplements that should be considered. Each vitamin plays a specific role in strengthening your child’s immune system. In addition, multi-vitamins boost the body energy and improve overall vitality of your child.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supplement protects your child from colds and flu among other infections. To the already affected child, vitamin C reduces the severity and length of the symptoms. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. This property helps in protecting the body against diseases. It also eliminates free radicals within the body which are known to contribute other diseases. Once vitamin C is assimilated in the body tissues, it facilitates production of collagen which is used to build body tissues.

There are various varieties of Vitamin C supplements which you can give to your child. Other sources include fresh fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, cantaloupe, baked potatoes, strawberries, and tomatoes.

The recommended dose of vitamin C for children between 4 – 8 years is about 25 mg a day.

Immunity Boosters For Kids

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important vitamin that repairs body tissues. During winter months, it is important to give your child vitamin A supplements because it strengthens the immune system. Apart from this, your child needs it for growth, development and maintaining good eyesight.

The recommended daily dose of vitamin A for a child is 5,000 IU. Important sources of vitamin A include egg yolks, liver, carrots, green leafy vegetables, apricots, and mangoes.

Vitamin E

It is also advisable to give your child vitamin E supplements. Vitamin E is known as a good antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body while protecting the cell membranes from damages.

The recommended dose of Vitamin E for children between the age of 4 and 8 years is 7 mg with adults taking up to 15 mg. Vitamin E can be found in nuts, seeds, green vegetables, and vegetable oils.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another important vitamin for your child’s health. Vitamin D is known to activate the immune system. Due to vitamin D deficiency especially during winter season, it is good to supplement your child with fortified foods and obtain some addition Vitamin D supplements.

Therefore, ensure your child is getting essential multivitamins supplements which will boost his or her immune system. The recommended dose for children is 600 IU.

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