Weight gain can be caused by numerous factors, including poor sleep, medical conditions, stress, dehydration, and much more. Determining the cause and taking steps to stop the gain in its tracks is the key to weight loss.
If you have experienced unintentional weight gain, you know how frustrating it can be. Even with diet and exercise, it can feel like the weight just won’t go away. Everyone knows that if you overeat or become inactive, you will begin to gain weight, but what happens when you are doing all the right things and still gaining weight?
Typically, something has shifted in your life just enough to cause your weight gain. This shift is not big enough to cause you to take notice; however, it is enough to increase your weight suddenly. Those who do not weigh themselves often can be surprised when they have suddenly gained ten or more pounds.
Sudden, unintentional weight gain does not mean that you will continue to gain weight. You just need to determine what is causing your unexpected and unexplained weight gain and then take steps to stop the gain in its tracks. Here are some of the most common reasons for weight gain.
No weekly weigh ins
Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to your body weight. If you avoid the scales, you won’t know if you begin gaining weight. When you weigh weekly, you will quickly notice if the scale begins to creep upward. If you notice your weight climbing, weigh three times a week. This will help you determine what changes you should make to your diet. Finally, supplements like Professional Formulas will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy weight.
Protein deficiency
Protein is your friend when it comes to weight loss. First, protein is satiating and digest slower than carbs, which means it can decrease the risk of overeating. Secondly, protein helps maintain lean muscle mass. Lean muscle mass also increases your metabolism so you can burn more calories. If you are not consuming enough protein, your body breaks down cells and muscles for energy. This breakdown of muscle results in slower metabolism along with weight gain.
Age related weight gain
After you hit 30 years of age, you begin losing muscle mass, which causes your metabolism to naturally slow. As your metabolism slows, you are at an increased risk of gaining weight. You can no longer eat the same amount of food as you did when you were young to help preserve lean muscle mass and increase your metabolism, you must remain active. You should do both cardio and strength training exercises throughout the week to prevent weight gain.
Sleep is vital for good health. If you are not getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night, you could be at an increased risk of gaining weight. If you are having difficulty going to sleep or staying asleep, turn off all electronics an hour or two before bedtime, go to bed at the same time each night, get up every day at the same time, and reduce your caffeine intake.
Dehydration and weight gain
When you are dehydrated, your body conserves water to ensure you have the hydration needed for vital body functions. Excess water retention cause weight gain. In addition to this, drinking water before a meal causes you to feel fuller, which decreases the amount of food that you consume. For best results, drink at least one ounce of fluids for every two pounds that you weigh.
Consuming too much sodium can cause you to retain too much water, which can cause you to look as if you have gained weight in your abdomen. Rather than reaching for the salt shake, reach for fresh herbs to season your food. Within just a few days, you will notice your bloating has subsided. In addition to bloating, high sodium levels have been linked to a higher percentage of body fat, particularly adipose fat, the dangerous fat that accumulates around your midsection.
Stress and exhaustion
Emotional stress and physical stress can interfere with your metabolism. When you are stressed, your hormone levels can change, which can impact your metabolism, fullness, and hunger. When you are under a great deal of stress, your body begins increasing the production of the hunger hormone ghrelin along with cortisol. These two hormones reduce metabolism and increase your appetite. If you are experiencing stress and exhaustion, meditation, and guided imagery can help calm your mind.
Thyroid issue
Your thyroid produces thyroid hormones that help regulate a variety of functions in the body, including your metabolism. If your thyroid is not functioning correctly, it can cause weight gain. Because hypothyroidism develops slowly, many people do not realize their thyroid is not functioning properly until they put on some weight. Thyroid conditions make it almost impossible to lose weight even with proper diet and exercise. If you believe you have a thyroid condition, you need the help of a thyroid specialist.
Weight gain can be caused by numerous factors, including poor sleep, undiagnosed medical conditions, stress, dehydration, and much more. If you have gained weight and are having difficulty losing your excess weight, talk with your doctor, take a supplement to provide your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal health, and eat a healthy diet. With time, you will reach your weight loss goals.
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